are jeep wranglers expensive to insure

are jeep wranglers expensive to insure

are jeep wranglers expensive to insure


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Does one single speeding ticket raise auto insurance rates?

hey guys so probably 2 months ago I got my first speeding ticket whilst on the way to the movie theaters at college because my stupid friends wanted to make the 9:30 showing of Evil Dead. Needless to say it was still my fault getting pulled over in the end. The cop did however tell me that there would be no points on my record since it was my first ever offense and basically it was just a $92.00 fine that I paid the next day. I am a very cautious driver and have not had any trouble with the law regarding my driving except for that one mishap. Does getting this one single ticket raise my insurance rates? We are looking to switch insurances so will our rates be higher because of this stupid mistake of mine?



Car insurance in Canada?

What is the typical car insurance cost in Ontario?



Under the new Cash Allowance Rebate program is my vehicle eligible if the registration and insurance ran out?

I owned my jeep cherokee for four years continuously registered and insured but just recently moved to California from New Jersey and out of necessity just let the truck sit for a few months during which the reg and insur. just expired about three months ago. So now can I still use this as a redeemable option on a new car.



How long can you go without car insurance in Michigan before becoming high risk?

I just got screwed by my insurance place, and i want to cancel my policy immediately, but i won't be able to get car insurance again for at least a week. How long until i would become high risk in Michigan?



Do you have to have car insurance to get a Florida drivers license?

I'm 16 and about to travel to Florida and currently dont have a license. Do I have to have proof of insurance before I am able to get my teen restricted drivers license down there?



Temporary car insurance california?

So im spending my summer in california, my unbcle lives here and has a car and maybe ill hae the chance to drive it. I was thinking that I need an insurance, I come from france and only have an international drivers license, so I was wondering is it possible to get an insurance in here? Thanks, no mean answers plz



Why is my car insurance the same price?

My car insurance is due up next month and I have been shopping around. I've used all the compare sites like go compare and money supermarket and I m basically the exact same price as I was last year. For the same car. I've been driving 8 years nd have 6 years no claims. I'm 25 and female. Every year it used to go down but now I'm being quotes the same and sometimes more?!



How much do you pay for car insurance?

I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?



Insurance Premium Not Guaranteed?

Is it normal for insurance covering Critical Illness to come w non-fixed premium payment?



Is there any way I can stay on my dad's insurance?

I recently graduated from college and I will begin working full time in about a week. In the fall, I will be a full-time graduate student. Since I will still be classified as a student, will I still be able to stay on my dad's insurance, or do I have to take the insurance package my employer offers me?



Am I paying too much for car insurance?

My parents make me pay 100$ a month for car insurance. I have Allstate. I drive a 93 ford escort and have never gotten a ticket or in an accident. I'm 19 years old



Best Ways to Reduce Car Insurance?

I found this article on about best ways to reduce my car insurance. Is this true?



Does anyone know what homeowners insurance companies allow dogs like like chow chows?

We are thinking of getting a very sweet gentle chow from a local rescue group and our current insurance (Travelers) will cancel our policy should we get a chow (plus a whole other long list of breeds). I'd like to hear from someone w/ a german shepherd, sled dog (husky, malamute, akita), rott, pit bull, or other dog deemed dangerous about what insurance company you may use.



Will my auto insurance rates increase if I put a claim in for the theft of my keys?

My purse (along with car keys) was stolen a few weeks ago. I called Toyota to get an approximation as to how much it would cost to replace the keys (just over $350 for a remote and transmitter key). My mom (I'm still under my parent's insurance) contacted our insurance agency and they said they would cover it and our rates would not increase. I figured the car should be rekeyed too since the thieves had my address. I went to Toyota to get a written estimate - they were having trouble printing off a written estimate and wrote it on a card - rekeying would be just over $350 so keys+rekeying = just over $700. My mom sent my dad today to get it written on company letterhead, etc. and he came back with an over $2,000 estimate - it looks like they actually want to pull the locks out and replace a computer??? So my mom is saying we're not putting in a claim because our insurance rates will increase (even though no one has said they would increase) in the meantime I have to worry about my car being stolen (I have a club on it), people going into it, etc. So, typically, would one's auto insurance rates increase after putting in a claim for theft? Does it make a difference if it's $700 or $2,000? I would just figure the insurance company wants your car to be as safe as you do so you don't have to claim even more for a stolen car.



How long does it take for auto insurance to pay out for no-fault accident?

Hello - I was involved in an auto-accident in March of 2006 in which both insurance companies (mine and hers) agreed that it was the other party's fault and I was a zero-liability. Their insurance company (let's call them Venus , of ease) has asked for receipts ($1000 in rentals which my coverage does not cover), my deductible amount and any other amount which I had to put out (total is about $1,700). I have waited since April for them to pay me. I get letters from Venus every other week saying they are pending further investigation - but, I am at wits-end and want my money which I had to pay-out for an accident that everyone acknowledges is not my fault. Does anyone know what the law/rules are in California and how long they can take to pay after they find the other party is at fault? Also, what can I word in a strongly worded letter to get this finally paid. I dont want to hire lawyer for such a low amount - but, that extra 1700 sure would be nice at the moment. Thanks! Chris



I need free insurance quotes that wont pull my credit report?

Im doing a project for school and I need to be able to enter in different attributes of an individual to determine how it would effect the insurance premium (I need dollar amounts). I need this for both home and auto insurance. Every site that I found requires your SSN and an accurate name so they can pull your credit report. Isnt there a site that does a general estimate of premiums?



Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?

Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?



Insurance On First Vehicle?

If you buy a used vehicle (in Indiana) and your 15 and your not going to drive it for another couple of months, is it still required you have insurance for it even though your not going to drive it for a while. And if there is an amount of time you have to get insurance, how long is that?



Ohio health insurance?

Can someone recommend me a good health insurance for college student? I live in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks



Best dental insurance to get when needing restorative work?

in all honesty, i have terrible anxiety even when i think about going to the dentist. due to this, i have neglected my teeth and now i'm paying for it. i'm tired of worrying about my smile and just need to know the best insurance to help get me the smile i want.



Is marriage counseling covered by insurance?

i have blue cross blue shield, will they cover marriage counseling? if it matters i live in Louisiana



What will happen to my insurance rate?

I'm an 18 year old driver with geico and I have just been in an accident (my fault). My tires skid as I braked and I hit the stopped car in front of me. Nobody was hurt and the other car's back bumper suffered some scratches. The bumper was still intact and the only thing noticeable is the paint transfer. The police came and he offered to not involve insurance but the other person insisted so now my question is, how much will my insurance go up? Cause I've heard the geico is pretty notorious for jacking up rates alot . Thanks



Question about ticket and insurance rate?

I got a ticket bout a couple months ago and my cost of insurance (minimum coverage) hasnt changed. Am I supposed to notify my insurance company about my ticket or do they automatically find out on their own and then charge me extra?



Car insurance question?

Hi! Let's say I'm driving my parent's car by myself, and worst case scenario, I end up in some kind of small accident. (Didn't happen. I'm talking hypothetically here, alright? :D) Does insurance cover the car itself, or only the driver of the car (i.e: either my mom or dad?). So if I get caught in an accident in Mom's car, am I covered under her insurance? Or do I have to get my OWN car with my OWN insurance, in order to be covered? Thanks!



How to get cheap car insurance for a student in the uk?

I live in the uk. 19 years old and want to get a car. I have tried quotes and the cheapest i have found per year is around 5000, which is a JOKE. i want to know how to make it cheaper. My dad is a taxi driver so i cannot use his insurance thanks


are jeep wranglers expensive to insure

are jeep wranglers expensive to insure


How do I choose the right car insurance?

I just bought my first car and I need to find a good and cheap car insurance.



I need to see a neurologist but don't have health insurance. Anyone have any suggestions?

Neurologists offices will only let u in the door with insurance because its too expensive. Of course to see a neurologist there has to be a possibly big problem, this has all been very stressfull and I don't know who to ask for help. Please if u've got suggestions of options let me know.Thanx



Can you stay under your parents car insurance?

As of right now I am a college student living in Ohio with my mother and my car is under my mothers car insurance. If I move out and no longer live under my mothers roof, does this mean I must pay for my own car insurance? Or am I able to stay under her name? Please help! I need to find out soon before I get my own place. Thank you so much.



Insurance Claim estimate lower than expected, what do I do?

An elderly lady backed up into my car a few days ago and we decided it'd be best to file an insurance claim. After the claim was ruled in my favor I was sent to a body shop for an estimate of the repair. The damage was to the rear quarter panel of my car which consisted of a scrape across the panel and a quarter sized dent in the panel. The insurance adjuster gave me an estimate and check for 855$. My question is in regards to the repairs, I feel that since this is 100% the other party's fault and since I am the person who has to drive the car that I am entitled to the maximum premium in repairs. I have been reading on Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and most will say that its the cheap way of making a repair. Does anyone know if it would be possible to go back and get a new estimate/settlement for a new rear quarter panel? Basically my logic is this, if you damage any of my property it should be 100% my call if I want to settle for a compromise or not.



Will the Government help us financially, with affordable health insurance plans?

Since it's required by law in 2014 to have health insurance, will the US Government help pay for health insurance for your average family of four? Or any Non-Profits possibly, because, it's either food or insurance which is at least $400.00/month (through employer), plus all the co pays, deductibles of $7000.00+, major increases in food/gas,costs of living, with only $1.50/hr salary increase in five years. Seems to me health insurance should be affordable depending on annual income, and reasonable enough in price or there's just no way to live hear anymore, so can the Government help at all?



Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?

Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?



How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?

I am looking around at car insurance comparison websites, and I want to know if the quotes I'm getting back are reasonable. How much would a reasonable monthly insurance payment be for a UK driver with more than 15yrs experience? Also, how much would it be if you added a newly qualified driver as secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it depends on the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea of what would be a reasonable amount to expect for this, on average.



Question with car insurance?

Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?



How are your health insurance plans, if you have individual insurance?

I was asking about those who have health insurance, what are your companies like. Do you like your health companies, are the insurance plans good.



Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?

Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?



Car insurances how they rate?

different car insurances how they compare



What is the cheapest insurance to get if you have a DUI and live in Cali?

What is the cheapest insurance to get if you have a DUI and live in Cali?



For a 21 year old what is the cheapest car insurance company in ottawa ontario?

I am 21 years old male and a first time driver, have never been insured, and have my G2. I am looking for the cheapest quote



Car insurance question?

My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!



Insurance on a 1998 Toyota Camry 16 y/old about to be 17?

Ok so i need your help. I am 16 years old and about to be 17 im going back to the u.s. and have a old 1998 toyota camry waiting for me (btw yuck) ok and my parents said to drive this until my insurance lowers and theyll get me a new car by graduation which is next june. So my question is how much do you think my insurance will be? Its a fairly old car and not in a good condition and i have had 1 accident which was pretty big but not completly my fault like 60%



Car insurance question no claims bonus?

so, i went onto the website with the annoying singing fat man, got a reasonable quote for my classic car, declared all cars in my household, one of which is a company car with 2 years NCB. Paid the deposit and remainder was to be paid monthly by direct debit. After a couple of weeks now they've written to me wanting proof of the NCB I stated, wanting details of the previous insurance and policy number. So, I email them (as they stated in the letter that this would be the quickest way to resolve and avoid having my policy cancelled) saying the NCB was on company insurance rather than another private insurance which i think they assume I have (the option on NCB on the website included NCB on company cars), no response to my email, so I send another, now I've had a red coloured letter threatening cancellation of my insurance unless I provide the information. Tried phoning and it's either constantly engaged or answer phone. Emailed for a third and final time and put a copy of the email in the post with no response. I feel I have been totally mislead by assuming I have NCB on my company car policy, so, should they decide to cancel my policy can I get my deposit and 1st month's payment back? Citizens advice has told me that the policy was misleading and was not as described so I should be due a refund but how can I expect to get this if I cannot contact them? HELP and advice please!



How much is it to add a second car to the insurance.?

im getting my first car and im wondering how much it would be to add it to my dads insurance plan.It is a 1990 firebird



Where to go to get a quote?

Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD



What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.?

We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine



Can the auto insurance company pay me directly and not pay body repair shop?

So about 3 weeks ago some guy backed into my car and it was his fault... His insurance company said take my car to a body shop repair and they will pay the repair shop only.. I wanna take my car to different shops and get few estimates and have the insurance company pay me.. I wanna decide weather to fix the car or keep the cash (maybe sell my car and get a better one)... It's my car and I have the title for it.. Why should the damn insurance company control what to do with own my car or control how the repair process goes!!! it's a 1995 nissan 240sx... Please tell me if I can make the insurance company to write me a check. thanks!



Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance?

Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance? I was helping my friend move her car today and got pulled over for going 10 mph + the speed limit (in a different state). I showed the cop her insurance and my license. He said he is going to mail me the ticket. Now, I am wondering after I pay this ticket, will my insurance increase even though this was not my vehicle, vehicle insurance, and it was in a different state (California). Please help with any advice, I cannot have my insurance go up. Cop still gave me ticket even after ten hours of driving and crying afterwards..



What kind of new car is the cheapest to insure ?

I currently drive a leased 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. The full coverage insurance on this car is now $113.00 per month. Last year it was $108.00 per month. I will be in the market for a new leased vehicles soon and I want to know what cars or SUV are the cheapest to insure. Any websites I can look at ?



Can anybody tell me what impairment rating have to do with an auto settlement?

my lawyer tells me she cant make a demand to the insurance company till i get an impairment rating from my doctor. what does that mean and what is a good rating?



How much do you think my car insurance will be, rough estimate?

im 21 years old. i have 2 speeding tickets on my record both of 11 over in the past year. i live in kansas and i am planning on buying a 1998 dodge viper gts with 490 torque 450 horse power. just curious if someone could give me an idea of what my insurance would be monthly.



Car insurance for young drivers?

I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?


are jeep wranglers expensive to insure

are jeep wranglers expensive to insure


How do I get points taken off of my license?

i live in California and i about 2 months ago crashed my car and was cited for a failure to yield ticket, because i am only 16 i got a restricted license and i have to attend traffic school as well as getting a point, i was wonder if i could get that point taken off?



Buying new car over weekend, But need insurance?

Ok so I am most likely buying a used car tomorrow. This will be my first car as I am 16 and need something to drive to my job yada yada yada. Anyway, tomorrows a Saturday and my insurance company is closed and my parents need to add me to their policy. Since we are not trading in a car, we dont have a policy to carry over to the new one which I know some insurance companies do. Also, I have Farmers insurance so I am not sure what their policies are over this sorta thing. Any help is appreciated. Especially if you have farmers insurance or have had this kind of problem with them.



Where can I find reasonably priced car insurance for a 17 male?

I am 16 years old, soon to be 17 and am looking for a reasonable car insurance quote. I am aware that being male and 17 both work against me in this situation, however the best quote I have found so far was with eCar at for 2340. I am thinking of getting a cheap 1996 Vauxhall Corsa as this has been the cheapest to insure when comparing quotes. I have tried Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, moneysupermarket, tesco compare,,,, and I really need something lower than what I have found so far, if you have any suggestions they would be greately appreciated. Thankyou.



Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?

I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That's like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn't watching over us better. Right?



Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?

I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?



Price of insurance?

I am deciding between a 2001 nissan altima with 58,000 miles and a 2000 nissan maxima with 82,000 miles for my first car. The altima costs $6800 and the maxima costs $7500(it has alloy wheels, leather, sunroof...). I am a 16 year old guy. I got a quote for $1700 a year for insurance on the altima already. How much more would insurance cost on the maxima since it is a v6 and the altima is a 4 cylinder? Thanks for the answers!!



Cheap insurance in NC for a young driver?

- I am 19, had a license for 9 months. - I have had auto insurance one time for a month just to get my license (does that mean a lapse in insurance) - I want a non owners policy, so I can go get a car at a dealership - I am a girl - I have had



Car insurance question?

I have been driving my boyfriend car to get to work and school and what not. His car is insured, but my name is not on the insurance. What would happen if i got pulled over and the cop saw my name was not on the insurance?



For a 19 yr old what is the best and cheap insurance in los Angeles?

I live in los angeles and the car insurance companies wants me to pay 300.00 dollars every month and thats to much for me.



How much is my no registration and no insurance ticket going to cost?

This is in California, if you have any idea please lemme know thanks!



My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advis?

car: renault megane dynamiquie, 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, black, 5dr, before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....



Car Insurance Issues?

So I've just passed my test, looking to purchase insurance on a car (peugeout 1.1 fever) and the prices they're, sky high! My dad currently has a car with 5years ncb. I figured that if he ends his current policy on his car (which he paid annual for) and begins a new policy for my car using his 5years ncb it would be all cheaper. Then if he started from scratch on his car again. So basically hes ending his policy in order to transfer the ncb onto my car, him being the main, and me being an additional driver and starting from scratch again on his original car. Only query i have is, Is it legal? Is any part of the above illegal? Thanks guys for the help :D



Flood insurance?

Will the poor people who have suffered Flood Damage have a problem with the Insurance Companies. I ask this question because a Friend of mine had Gazebo wrecked in recent storm. Insurance Company refused payment on the grounds (ACT OF GOD)



What would have more insurance a 2007 dodge charger 3.5l or a 2004 Nissan 350z?

Need to know just overall what would be the better car and what would have better insurance rates



Can i get some help in writing my job application to an Insurance Comapny?

Recently I have developed a special interest in banking and if I am given the opportunity I am prepared to work diligently to serve the nation . ...this is what im writing in my application but i want a word to replace banking , since its an insurance company what should i put instead of banking ?



Insurance for tuners ?

Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??



What are your thoughts on how insurance companies can put a price on life?

I'm not sure of the figure but my understanding is that insurance has a figure they use when ... say ... a plane crashes. Are all the lost lives worth the same?



Dose Insurance Pay For Contact Lenses?

I Want Contact Lenses , Will My Insurance Pay For Them?



Can you get free health insurance?

I am not referring to Obamacare. I am referring to free health insurance in general.



What is the cheapest car insurance company?

I am test driving a few used cars tomorrow afternoon and i am a first time buyer. What is the cheapest car insurance company in Louisiana area? keep in mind that the cars i am looking for are: pontiac g5 and g6 (used) chrysler crossfire (used) and the chrysler seebring. (used)



Would insurance for a VW Golf be cheap or expensive?

I'm 17 years old currently doing driving lessons and I'm thinking about a VW Golf for my first car. Would the insurance be high or low and which engine size would be the best to start off with?



How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?

How does bein married or single affect your auto insurance rates?



How much is car insurance in nyc?

Im 23 years this is my first car ever a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted to now how much car insurance im looking at.



What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?

I live on my own, I'm a full time college student, I have a part time job, I am female,and I make good grades. I want the cheapest insurance legally possible.



How much does car Liability insurance cost for you?

how much does car Liability insurance cost for you I was wondering how much does it cost i know every body has a diffent one but what is yours so i have a estimate thank you


are jeep wranglers expensive to insure

are jeep wranglers expensive to insure


What is an insurance discount disallowance?

i got my bill today for the lab where i had some tests done. on the bill it had a disallowance under the insurance discount category. just wondering what that was. the bill was about 400 and insurance paid 200 and it said disallowance of about 175 so my bill only ended up being 25 dollars.



Insurance for 98 prelude?

i found a 98 prelude that is in my price range but before i could buy it i was told to find how much insurance would go up. i am 17 and have been driving for about a year now and not been in any accidents or had any tickets. i don'tt know much about how car insurance works so if anyone knows from experience or any other way how much it might go up that would be great thanks in advance :)



I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?

I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?



Does school require health insurance?

I live in California, USA and my brother and I don't have health insurance. We are in middle and high school(public school). What are the disadvantages of not having health insurance?



I am looking for free healthcare insurance in the state of delaware?

I am looking for free healthcare insurance in the state of delaware?



Is there cheap health insurance for students?

If so does anyone know? or have it? best insurance?



What is the cheapest auto insurance company for drivers under 21?

I need some help finding a cheap car insurance company in virginia... Let me know what was the cheapest one in your experience Thanks!



What is the cost of Home Owner's Insurance?

I'm going to be buying a home and would like to know if anyone knows what the approximate cost would be for HO Insurance? I already have Renter's Insurance, and would like to know if the price difference is dramatic or not. The home is 1902squ. feet, 4 bedroom, built in 2006,I am purchasing the home for just under $100,000, it is worth a lot more than that, as its a foreclosure.



Car Insurance Renewal?

I currently have a 8 years no claims bonus and I am due to renew my car insurance at the end of this month. The quote is 520. However as the current value of my car is about 900-1000 and I only do about 3000 miles a year, I dont think its worth insuring this car for this year and plan to get rid of it. I plan to get a newer car next year or the year after. If I dont renew my car insurance this year and say there was a gap of 1 year or 2 between renewals, would I lose all of the benefit of my 8 years no claims? Would i have to start from 0 years no claims again? Any body help? Cheers!



Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?

Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?



Can I add my girlfriend to my health insurance if we live together?

Some states allow benefits for partners. Is this the same? I am insured by Humana (Open Choice PPO)



Does car insurance cover this..?

my freind borrowed my car and he and his father went to the mall,his father got into a car accident which was his the car is totaled.i only have basic insurance does that cover my car or am i out of a car?



Is Aviva a good car insurance what is a good car insurance company for a first driver ?

Aviva is the company that gave me a cheap car insurance quote. I would like to know if Aviva is actually a decent company to go with? I am a first time driver they gave me a quote for 501 per month.



How much does motorcyles insurance run??

I want to be an inexpensive bike to save gas money (like a ninja 250) and I'm curious how much laibility insurance is... my car insurance is only $30 a month and I have a perfect driving record, no accidents. thank you



Will my insurance company cover the price of my car loan?

I pay insurance rates for the price of my car loan ,will my insurance honour that price or will they try to screw me around because some people have told me they would only cover the price of my car which is a big difference



Question about car insurance?

Is car insurance cheaper the older the car is or is it the other way around?



Will a dropped speeding ticket affect insurance rates?

Will a dropped speeding ticket affect insurance rates?



Car accident with no insurance?

I hit a car in Alaska, no damage to the cars except a tiny tiny dent on the other car's back bumper that barely can be visible within 20 inches distance if a person keeps looking very good. I gave all my details to the other guy and I am legal in everything. he showed me an insurance on his phone that expired on May 2012. Because I did not pay attention, right now I just found out from the VIN # that the insurance is for a different car but in his name. So I am not sure if the car I hit was insured or not. Could I get him in trouble if he tries to abuse me later? For example if he tries to go to the hospital and cause me problems, or if he calls me wanting money, or having me fix his engines issues that I never caused, because that is what he said is going to do. If he gets insurance hours later, could that save him? or he still can be in trouble with the law?



Is there such a policy that combines life insurance/investments/savings?

Maybe trying to get the best of all worlds but Im looking for a plan that has life insurance but the money i contribute is invested or accumulated for some sort of return.



Which car insurance companies have you found to be cheapest for a teen?

Im 17 years-old and plan to be added to my parent's car insurance. I have good grades, took drivers ed, will be driving an older car and live in Idaho. Which company will work best for my situation? All help is appreciated.



Driving someones car without insurance?

If you drive someone elses car and that person has insurance but not you, and you get ticketed. do you also get ticketed for driving without insurance. is it possible to drive someones car without you yourslef buying car insurance? btw this is in dallas, texas



Motorcyle prices?

IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?



I think I'm pregnant, how do I get Medicaid?

I took a home pregnancy and it came out positive, two blue lines, one lighter than the other. I want to go to a doctor to confirm it. I dont have insurance but I think I will get Medicaid anyone know where do I go and how to get it ?



What is the cheapest best kind of individual health insurance?

What is the best kind of individual health insurance...that is the cheapest?



What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

what is the absolute most shitty dirt cheap motorcycle insurance you can buy in the state of california?


are jeep wranglers expensive to insure

are jeep wranglers expensive to insure